Monday, May 11, 2009

Tugas chapter 9 (permission marketing untuk B2C)

Menurut Wikipedia, Permission marketing adalah:
"a term used in marketing in general and e-marketing specifically. Marketers will ask permission before advancing to the next step in the purchasing process. For example, they ask permission to send advertisements to prospective customers. It is used by some Internet marketers, email marketers, and telephone marketers. It requires that people first "opt-in", rather than allowing people to "opt-out" only after the advertisements have been sent."
Singkatnya, dalam memberikan informasi tentang produknya, marketer meminta izin terlebih dahulu sehingga bila tidak diinginkan maka pelanggan tidak merasa terganggu.

Mengapa dalam B2B tidak diperlukan?
Karena dalam B2B, informasi mengenai email ataupun contact person yang mewakili perusahaan telah diberikan dan biasanya iklan ataupun penawaran untuk perusahaan-perusahaan besar tidak diperlukan karena bagi yang sudah menerapkan SCM, system sudah terintegrasi sehingga bila perusahaan besar memerlukan supply akan tercatat secara otomatis di system. Bagi yang belum menerapkan SCM, perusahaan besar biasanya yang akan menghubungi bila mereka memerlukan produk dari kita.

Mengapa dalam B2C hal ini perlu dilakukan?
Karena dalam B2C, pelanggan yang kita tuju adalah pelanggan dengan kapasitas penggunaan dan ketertarikan yang sangat beragam. Bila pelanggan bukan penyuka produk-produk olahraga, ia akan sangat merasa terganggu dengan iklan tentang produk-produk tersebut yang membuat penuh inbox mail nya. Lain halnya bagi mereka yang mengikkuti perkembangan produk-produk olah raga, akan merasa sangat diperhatikan dengan servis yang kita berikan.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tugas analisa website (chapter 8)



Garuda Indonesia telah melayani penerbangan Nasional maupun Internasional jauh sebelum teknologi Internet berkembang di Indonesia, maka dari itu, Garuda Indonesia hanya melayani pemesanan tiket secara offline melalui counter-counter resmi Garuda dan travel agent yang menjadi rekanan.


Website yang dikelola Garuda Indonesia telah memiliki fitur yang boleh dibilang lengkap, karena telah memiliki fitur pemesanan online, meskipun hanya dapat diakses untuk penerbangan domestik. Selain memiliki fitur pemesanan online, website Garuda juga menampilkan informasi-informasi dan promosi-promosi fasilitas dan layanan Garuda Indonesia.


Website Garuda sebenarnya dapat lebih dikembangkan dengan menambahkan fitur pemesanan online untuk penerbangan dengan rute Internasional, selain itu juga dapat ditambahkan fasilitas pendaftaran dan penambahan data dan informasi tentang mileage reward Garuda sehingga anggota GFF Garuda dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan informasi seputar membership mereka.

Selain itu juga, fitur yang penting untuk dikembangkan oleh Garuda melalui websitenya adalah fitur ONLINE CHECK-IN dimana dengan adanya fitur ini pelanggan dapat memesan kursi sesuai dengan yang diinginkan dan yang dibayar serta dapat mencetak langsung boarding pass mereka, sehingga tidak menyebabkan antrian yang cukup panjang pada counter cek in bandara. Tentunya saran ini dapat diaplikasikan dengan sistem yang menunjang, karena dapat terjadi kesalahan pencatatan nomor tempat duduk yang sama dalam satu penerbangan pada pemegang boarding pass yang berbeda.

Bila hal diatas dapat diaplikasikan, maka dapat dipastikan bahwa Garuda Indonesia akan memperoleh penghematan yang cukup besar dalam pencetakan Boarding Pass, serta dapat memberikan pelayanan yang lebih cepat kepada pelanggan yang mengantri di counter cek in karena pelanggan hanya perlu menunjukkan Boarding pass yang sudah dicetaknya, serta memasukkan bagasi (bila ada). Bila pelanggan tidak membawa bagasi maka pelanggan dapat langsung ke proses selanjutnya.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Assignment 4 (chapter 7)

E-procurement (electronic procurement, sometimes also known as supplier exchange) is the business-to-business or business-to-consumer or Business-to-government purchase and sale of supplies, Work and services through the Internet as well as other information and networking systems. (According to information shown in:

Basically, e-procurement processes can carries out good result in increasing profits as it can:

Reduces purchasing time and cost

By having e-procurement, time to do purchase is shortened to a single click away and of course it is cheaper as it cuts the whole processes through computers without wasting cost on paperwork.

Enhances budgetary control

By having this e-procurement we can easily limit the spending by submitting queries and/or telling the person in charge to control spending over several amount set and the reporting itself is improved and faster to get. Seeing those facts, the cost spent by companies can be reduced resulting in the increase of the profits.

Eliminates administrative errors

Errors are usually connected to waste of money, and of course by limiting the errors will result in saving costs. How does the e-procurement system prevent it? The e-procurement system limited human errors by automation processes among two parties (do system standardization)

Improves payment process (if the system is integrated with payment system)

The payment processes can also be automated as to have faster payment time and simplify the payment method which will result in lowering the costs.

But, if the concerns below are not taken seriously it will result in increasing the costs and losing profits:

Choosing the right technology

The company has to be sure in implementing the technology, or otherwise it will be costly. For example, when the company doesn’t need ERP technology, then implementing ERP in the company is a disaster.

Determining the right ‘e’ channel

Is more or less the same point to the point above, but when choosing the ‘e’ channel, the company should consider the size of the company as not to waste money on it. For example, the ‘e’ technology the company needed to implement is as much as ‘by phone’ system, then it is no need for the company to open a complicated and complete website and/or system.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Assignment (Chapter 5)

BioNational Pharmaceuticals is committed to providing natural medicines supported by credible clinical research. We believe in the individual's right to pursue the safest and highest quality health treatments of their own choice. We find that our customers are generally very well informed and have chosen to take responsibility for their own health.

1) E-Business channel priority

Clicks (Only sell their products online via website and phone call without having clinics and/or stores to sell the product).

2) Organizational restructuring and capabilities

Using in-house division for developing and maintaining the web without outsourcing.

3) Business, Service, and Revenue model

- Market place position

Act as seller controlled which sells their own products online.

- Revenue Model

By selling the products and benefit from it by reducing cost to set-up stores. (Online Purchasing)

- Commercial Model

Fixed price sales

4) Market Place Restructuring

- No buy side

- Sell side

Disintermediation strategy (Selling the products online and provides the security services to secure the online transaction and provide delivery services via post)

5) Market and Product Development Strategies

Market development strategy (To get worldwide market)

6) Positioning and Differentiation Strategies

- Product performance

Sell products with detail information and FAQ feature to educate customers about the product itself with options of product delivery carriers (mail or direct mail)

- Relationship excellence

In order to ask questions, giving advice, or track the products sent, communication available is via email and web inquiries.

NOTES: Bagus buat yang kena / gejala katarak karena dapat menghilangkan katarak tanpa operasi! (paling nggak mengurangi kalo ga menghilangkan total :D)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Assignment 2 (Chapt 3&4)


Step1 (Choosing Domain Name)

Buy your domain name and sign up for a hosting service. This is the first step of developing any type of commercial website.

For example, if your company name is "Bears and Dolls" then you will first want to see if is available. Other domain names that would work include and

Step2 (Determine the purpose of the website)

Before started creating the website, we must know what the main purposes of the retailer goes online, then those purposes is adopted in every aspect of the website built.

Step3 (Designing)

Select website design software for your retail website. Start with a basic website designing program like FrontPage. Make sure that whatever design you are choosing is easy to be edited later on.

Step4 (Choosing content)

Deciding and choosing the content of the web is important, as you have to separate the ‘most wanted’ product at the home page/ at the front page to attract visitors, also the design (pictures) of the product is needed to be attractive.

Step5 (Upload cart)

When you know what to be input in the web, you needed to create a database to synchronize the item numbers, prices and inventory to prevent errors in the future.

Step6 (Security)

This is the crucial part of website building. Your page needed to be safe from hackers or fraud, thus adopting the latest internet security technology will be a benefit. If the retailer is not ready to cooperate with banking institution or financial intermediaries like paypal, they can do: CoD or transfer payment method.

Step7 (Upload and be ready)

Manage your retail website. To keep your retail website functional you will need to monitor orders, keep the inventory data up-to-date and you will need to add and modify text, graphics and supplemental information posted on your website periodically. Thus, you need to get your staffs work hard and well to keep the visitors coming. Train them with skill necessary to maintain the web.

Main issue


Which types of e-business applications do we develop?

e.g. SCM, secure online ordering, CRM

Which technologies do we use?

e.g. email, web-based ordering, EDI

How do we achieve quality of service in applications?

Requirements are: security, speed, availability, errors, or design

Where do we host applications?

Internal or external sourcing and hosting?

Local or international hosting (.net,, etc)

Application integration

e.g B2B exchanges and intermediaries

Which access platforms do we support?

e.g. Mobile access

Which development technologies and standards do we use?

e.g. .NET, PHP, HTML

How do we manage content and data quality?

Assign staffs to do the web maintenance

How do we manage employee access to the Internet?

- Address particular time and date they can access the internet to maintain or browse the web for feedback.

- Block other site than the retailer site or correlated sites.

How do we secure data?

Backup data in every period of time


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Assignment (Meta Services)


Is known as meta search engine as well.

Is component of the world wide web, in business-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions (for example, for flight booking systems).

In a meta-search engine, you submit keywords in its search box, and it transmits your search simultaneously to several individual search engines and their databases of web pages. Within a few seconds, you get back results from all the search engines queried. Meta-search engines do not own a database of Web pages; they send your search terms to the databases maintained by search engine companies

Source: (read: background after [4])

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blog assignment (chapter 1&2)

Ace Hardware (

The content of the web:

  • e-catalog (lists and pictures of the products)

  • Advertisement of their own products (labeled: Kris)

    and membership subscription

  • Overview of the company

  • Store locations

  • Jobs advertisement

  • Q&A and feedback form


Suggested transition

Revenue Model


(they do not get any income by going online, the benefit they might get is intangible)

- Purchase online

- Advertising (for banks and/or vendors that wanted to advertise their product via ace-hardware online)

Market Place position

- Manufacturer (for Kris products)

- Reseller (for other product retailed at ace hardware)

- Manufacturer

- Reseller

- Supply Chain Provider (to provide utilities and tools for office/factory)

Commercial model


- Fixed price sale (to sale the products of Ace Hardware store online)


- B2C

- B2C

- B2B (to cooperate and sell directly to office or factory and/or being part of their supply chain)


- Seller controlled

- Seller controlled